Speech warm-up for clarity and diction
– no more mumbling!
This book is suitable for classrooms through to boardrooms.
It is a mouth-moving, tongue-twisting enunciation workout so listeners will understand WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!
Read this book out loud and often
As well as being a lot of fun, this book will help you achieve a multitude of benefits including:
- improved speech clarity and confidence
- good mouth-muscle strength and breath control
- pronunciation accuracy and rhythmic consistency
- thinking ahead of your voice to achieve vocal fluency
- being expressive by varying pace, pitch and dynamics
- having a speaking voice that holds listeners’ attention
- possessing a wide vocabulary for higher-level thinking
- realising that a fine speaking voice is a valuable social and personal asset
- discovering that practice really does make perfect
- relishing unusual words for their jubilant exuberance!