What Am I?

20 pages
Teaching suggestions on every page.

$15.00 +pp

What am I?

  • This is a book of colours and pictures for pre-readers and beginner learners of English, but rather than having words, the aim is to ‘read’ the pictures orally by naming each one in turn.
  • Developing an automatic left-to-right and then a quick right-to-left downward eye movement to the next row simulates and prepares children for the later reading of lines of text.
  • Vocabulary building and having a quick recall of past lessons are additional advantages of this book, best achieved by revisiting many times to identify and then create new sentences for each picture.
  • Moving in small steps to the next level of complexity enables all learners to reach higher levels of understanding, guided along the way by the teacher, parent or class buddy.
  • Enjoyment and happy social bonding make this learning adventure complete.